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Q: What is the illustration of their job roles mikaeel israeel jibraeel israfeel the famous 4 angels?
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What are the names of a few angles that are in the quran and sunnah with their roles?

Hazrat Jibraeel (Taking the message from Allah to the Prophet) Hazrat Israfeel Hazrat Mikaeel Please,refer to the related question for more details.

What other angels are there in Islam?

According to Islamic teachings there are countless numbers of angels. Angels are beings made from light "noor". They are neither male nor female. They have no freedom of choosing to do good or bad but they are constantly involved in good by obeying the commands of Allah and praising Him. There are four main angels according to Islamic teachings. The 1st being Gabriel whose duty it was to pass messages to prophets. There are 3 other arch-angels namely Azriel, Michael and Raphael (Israeel, Mikaeel and Israfeel). Other angels are also mentioned by name like Ridhwaan the gate keeper of Heaven (Jannah).

How tall is Masood Mikaeel Safari?

Masood Mikaeel Safari is 180 cm.

Who are the main angels in Islam?

The two angels named Gabriel (Jibril), Mikael (Mikal), Harut, and Marout mentioned in Quran, chapter 2 (Surat AlBakrah). Also, another angel is the Angel of death (not named in Quran). For more information refer to question below.

What nicknames does Masood Mikaeel Safari go by?

Masood Mikaeel Safari goes by Masood M. Safari.

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What are the jobs of angel mikaeel?

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Who offered the namaz-e-janaza of our Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi WA Sallam?

The funeral prayer of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was led by his close companion Abu Bakr Siddiq. Abu Bakr, who later became the first Caliph of Islam, was appointed by the other companions to lead the funeral prayer.

What is the meaning of Mikaal in Arabic and Urdu?

Mikaal is a Muslim name that means "he who resembles Allah."

What is the Islamic name for mackel Jackson?

Unfortunately there is no clarification for his way to Islam but we all know he was about or just in........he was waiting to be called as " Mikaeel '' a name of angel

Is Mika'eel the same as the Archangel Michael?

Mikaeel (ميكائيل) is the name of an angel mentioned in the Quran and refers to St. Michael the Archangel as he is known in the Jewish and Christian Bibles.

What actors and actresses appeared in Sedaha - 2009?

The cast of Sedaha - 2009 includes: Pegah Ahangarani Nazanin Farahani Reza Kianian Shahin Najafzadeh Roya Nonahali Atila Pesiani Mikaeel Shahrestani Tannaz Tabatabayi