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Ø Algebra is used in companies to figure out their annual budget which involves their annual expenditure. It, along with statistics is also used to predict their annual turnover.

Ø Even various stores use algebra to predict the demand of a particular product and place their orders likewise. Algebra is also used in preparing the bills of the customers in the case of the purchase multiple number of the same object.

Ø Algebra is used in schools by the teachers to prepare the annual reports of the children. Also, it can be used during examination to predict the usage of supplementary sheets, therefore helping in finding out the required number. It can be used to figure out the pass percentage for a test.

Ø It also has individual applications in the form of calculation of annual taxable income, payable income tax and bank interest and instalment loans.

Ø While reading the temperature in a thermometer, we can use this simple formula for converting °Celsius temperature into °Fahrenheit.

Degrees in Celsius (9/5) + 32 = Degrees in Fahrenheit

Ø During the construction of buildings algebra can be used to formulate the various measurements of the building in a proper ratio.

Ø In chemistry, algebra can be used to calculate the quantity of a substance required in an experiment. Also, it is used to calculate the quantity of various substances formed in an experiment.

Ø Unconsciously we are using algebra in every day life like when we go shopping and compare the pricing of the various products according to their quantity.

Ø It may be used by a person while hosting a party to calculate the total consumption of food according to the average one person consumption.

Ø It may be used when you estimate the distance from point A to point B by the time and speed of your travel or when you estimate the average speed at which you need to move to reach your destination in a particular time frame.

Ø Algebraic expressions and equations serve as models for interpreting and making inferences about data. Algebraic reasoning and symbolic notations also serve as the basis for the design and use of computer-spreadsheet models.

Ø Algebra is also used in various disciplines of physics like mechanics, electronics and acoustics.

For instance, in SONARs algebra is used to calculate the distance of the sea bed from the surface.

It is also used in astronomy in calculating the distances of planets, stars etc. from us.

Most people don't believe algebra is used very often, but we use it every day in different applications, sometimes without even knowing it!

also algebra can help you if you are a sales man

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