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Its one of the very few non-specific phytochemical screening tecniques that gives specific characterisation of the sugar samples with less controversies.

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Q: What is the importance of formation of osazones?
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3reasons why the osazone test can be used in the identification of sugars?

The Osazone test is specific to sugars containing a carbonyl group, such as aldoses and ketoses, making it useful for their identification. The formation of crystalline derivatives (osazones) provides a visual confirmation of the presence of specific sugars in a sample. The characteristic melting point of osazones can help differentiate between different types of sugars based on their chemical structure.

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The melting point of osazone can vary depending on the specific compound being referred to. However, in general, osazones typically have melting points in the range of 180-220°C.

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Give us idea about the interior part of the earth Held in the formation of landform Generate geothermal energy Provide hot springs with medical value Provide fertile Soil Help in the concentration and formation of minerals