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Q: What is the importance of mathematics in marine transportation?
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What is importance of marine transportation in chemistry?

Marine transportation in chemistry is important for the transport of raw materials, finished products, and hazardous chemicals across the globe. It helps to support industries by ensuring a steady supply chain and distribution network, facilitating trade, and enabling access to resources that may not be available locally. Additionally, marine transportation plays a key role in global commerce and economic growth, contributing to the overall interconnectedness of the chemical industry.

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The importance of transportation in tourism industry is to lessen the problems in terms of transportation..

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1371 the best

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the importance of mathematics today is that we need jobs and you can really only get a good job if you have the skills and qualifications.

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wath is the importance of having air transportation for the economies of country?

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Mathematics is the language of engineering (as well as science).

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to help people

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The importance of Mathematics in accounting is that different accounting activities require the use of Mathematical principles. Mathematics will therefore help accountants to effectively solve various accounting problems easily.

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importance of marine wealth is we can get pearls fish natural gas mineral oil salt coral and all