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Q: What is the importance of plane and spherical trigonometry?
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What is the difference between plane trigonometry and spherical trigonometry?

Trigonometry is the study of plane and spherical triangles. Plane trigonometry deals with 2 Dimensional triangles like the ones you would draw on a piece of paper. But, spherical trigonometry deals with circles and 3 Dimensional triangles. Plane trigonometry uses different numbers and equations than spherical trigonometry. There's plane trigonometry, where you work with triangles on a flat surface, then there's spherical trigonometry, where you work with triangles on a sphere.

What are the 2 branches of trigonometry?

plane trigonometry spherical trigonometry

What is the importance of spherical trigonometry?

For navigational purposes

What is the definition of plane trigonometry?

Plane trigonometry is trigonometry carried out in (on) a plane. This could be contrasted with spherical trigonometry, which is trigonometry carried out on the surface of a sphere. Certainly there are some other more complex forms of trig.

What is the importance of trigonometry in navigation?

Navigation takes place on the surface of a sphere, and it involves angles and distances. Spherical trigonometry was developed from plane trigonometry so that navigators could find their away over the Earth's surface.

Plane and spherical Trigonometry by rider answers?


What are the two branches of Trigonometry?

The two branches of trigonometry are plane trigonometry, which deals with figures lying wholly in a single plane, and spherical trigonometry, which deals with triangles that are sections of the surface of a sphere.

What was Pauline Sperry contribution to mathematics?

spherical and plane trigonometry? :p

What is the importance of spherical trigonometry in math?

Historically, it is because we live on a planet which is approximately spherical. 2-dimensional trigonometry was adequate for relatively small shapes where the curvature of the earth had negligible effect. For larger shapes the spherical nature of the earth was important and therefore, so was spherical trigonometry.

Mathematicians and their contributions to trigonometry?

Several great mathematicians have made contributions to trigonometry. Pitiscus wrote books on plane and spherical trigonometry, and Hipparchus produced a table of chords.

What is the importance of trigonometry?

Spherical trigonometry is important because the Earth is a sphere, not a plane, so if you wanted to get the distance between one point on Earth and another, plane trigonometry wouldn't give you the right answer. Plane trigonometry can be used to find the height of something without having to climb it, such as a flagpole or skyscraper. Trigonometry, whether spherical or planar, is used in engineering to design buildings, cars, ships, and planes. It is used in physics to calculate the properties of electric and magnetic fields. It is used in navigation, and projectile motion. It is also used in the design of musical chords and instruments, as well as lenses and optics.

What has the author John Hymers written?

John Hymers has written: 'A treatise on plane and spherical trigonometry, and on trigonometrical tables and logarithms' 'The Elements of the Theory of Astronomy' 'A Treatise on the Integral Calculus: Containing the Integration of Explicit Functions of One ..' 'A Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, and on Trigonometrical ..'