There are 112 weeks in 112 weeks.
Weeks and weeks are the same measurement of time. Therefore, 52 weeks is equal to 52 weeks.
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what is the importance of statistics?
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Refuges are places where you can hide .
does norway acecept afghan refuges
i think that the NZwill be full of refuges
The area of Savannah Coastal Refuges Complex is 226.624 square kilometers.
People become refuges By moving from one place to another To get away from a bad country, Or a bad event happening in a country.
Camilla H. Fox has written: 'Trapping on national wildlife refuges' -- subject(s): Trapping, Wildlife refuges
Ms. Rhyan is a b----, i hate this class!
i dnt now
they help the immigrations and refuges to welcome the country
John E. Cornely has written: 'Birds of Willamette Valley National Wildlife Refuges, Oregon' -- subject(s): Birds, Wildlife refuges