If the distance from your house to the shop is 574.3899246 metres do you really care if someone tells you it is really 574.3899235 metres? You really want to know the distance to the nearest 10 metres (570), or even 100 metres (600). On the other hand if you are working out some problem in atomic physics, or when to switch your engine off when landing on Mars, you'd probably want a lot more accuracy.
3 significant figures.
5 significant figures.
6040 has 3 significant figures.
3 significant figures.
How many significant figures are in 20.8
Type your answer here...
4 significant figures.
There are 4 significant figures in 0.0032. Seems to be only 2 significant figures in this number.
There are 3 significant figures in 94.2.
There are four significant figures in 0.1111.
3 significant figures.
4487 has four significant figures.
There are four significant figures in 0.005120.
0.0375 has three significant figures.
101330 has 6 significant figures.
There are two significant figures in 0.025.
5 significant figures.