Statistics is used all the time in science and technology. In short, statistics tell us whether our results are probably caused by chance or not.
Statistics is used in research to compare results between different treatments. It can also help describe relationships between variables and results over time. The most important thing is that it tells you when your differences are large enough to probably not be caused by chance.
Statistics can also used in manufacturing by setting specification ranges and other quality attributes.
what is the importance of statistics?
There are many reasons why statistics in are in important in a field of computer science. These statistics help improve computers.
Statistics allow governmental entities to easily digest information. They can use that information to make new policies and determine if policies are working.
importance of computer system in the study of statistics
Statistics will give you some tools with which you may analyse a set of data. For example, what is the average selling price for houses in a particular area? As a science or profession, it naturally has generated and uses a specialized vocabulary. Which is narrowly defined. Statistics has many many applications, and in experimental science it has special insights to interpreting data from experiments.
what is the importance of statistics?
The importance of statistics in medical technology include identifying effective treatments. It also includes understanding the overall health of a certain population.
what is the importance of science and technology answer give in hindi
Technology is how you do something - science is knowing why it works.
There are many reasons why statistics in are in important in a field of computer science. These statistics help improve computers.
its important
Pogi ni Gio ! :D
technology make life easior
Food Science( for standard XI only),Political Science, Agriculture Science and Technology, Animal Science and technology, Information Technology (Science), Mathematics and Statistics (For Art and Science).
toinkx !
Statistics is used all the time in science and technology. In short, statistics tell us whether our results are probably caused by chance or not. Statistics is used in research to compare results between different treatments. It can also help describe relationships between variables and results over time. The most important thing is that it tells you when your differences are large enough to probably not be caused by chance. Statistics can also used in manufacturing by setting specification ranges and other quality attributes.
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