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Q: What is the indentation on one side of a ciliate?
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Is a paramecium a cell?

It is a group of unicellular ciliate protozoa, which are commonly studied as a representative of the ciliate group.

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What is a depression or indentation?

When some one is mad or if they are angry

What do you mean by indentation of a paragraph?

First let us discuss in general what indention means. When one is writing text on to a computer or onto a piece of paper, one normally starts on the left hand side of the page and writes each line so that it begins set in the same amount from the edge of the page. This gap is called a 'margin'. A paragraph indentation will start a new paragraph with the margin for that paragraph shifted to the right of the line of the page margin. The indentation can be applied to all the lines of that paragraph (as I have done in this example) or just the first line. The above is an example of indentation of a paragraph.

What is the definition of a Ciliate?

A ciliate is a protozoa - a single celled animal - that have cilia or hairlike structures used for motion, feeding, or sensing.

Is slime mold a ciliate?

Slime mold is not a ciliate. Although slime molds enter a amoeboid stage, they are not equipped with cilia.

Why is there a little indentation on the side of the tip of a TS-TRS connector cable?

Because Jesus wanted it that way.

What is a word for a depression or indentation but have to change one letter?


What is the category of a blephisama?

it sis ciliate

Is amoeba a flagellate?

No, The Amoeba is a ciliate