

Best Answer

You can change an independent variable so that means you can change the color of food coloring you use to make the experiment.

It does not gives you a certain color of food coloring to use for YOUR EXPERIMENT you get to choose your own kind of food coloring and YOU and YOUR partner.


1.)You will need__________.(VINERGAR)

2.)You will need__________. (VEGETABLE OIL)

3.)You will need __________.(A CLEAN 1 LITER BOTTLE)drink all of your juice OR soda.

4.) you will need much much more

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Q: What is the independent and dependent variables in a homemade lava lamp experiment?
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Is a homemade math dictionary a good present for a math teacher?

Sure. Just make sure you get all the answers right.

Is it possible to jump to another dimension?

With alot of imagination and some of your geek-friends inn homemade trash suits.... you can..... just don't jump off a cliff.

How do you calculate SMV?

Assuming SMV is an acronym for Sake Meter Value (a translation of "nihonshu-do"), then you can calculate a SMV value from a specific gravity (SG) value using this formula:SMV = ((1/SG)−1) × 1443For example, a finished genshu sake with a SG of 0.996 (what my homemade sake typically finishes fermenting at) would have a nihonshu-do of +5.8.

How do you make a magic slate?

== * Tempera paint * Tablespoon * Large, durable zip-close bag * Masking tape * White paper (8.5x11) * Drawing tool, like a ice pop stick or finger 1 Choose a dark thick color of tempera paint. 2 Place 3 tablespoons of the tempera paint into your zip-close bag. Squeeze out as much air as you can and then zip the bag shut. 3 Position a white piece of paper, a little smaller than your bag, on a flat surface. 4 Place the paint-filled zip-close bag on top of the white sheet of paper. Tape the sides of the bag to the surface of the paper with masking tape. 5 Use your hand to smooth the paint into a thin layer in the bag and across the white paper. You now have a homemade magic slate. 6 Use a blunt drawing tool, like a finger or an ice pop stick, to draw on your homemade magic slate. Your drawing will appear as you displace the dark paint and reveal the white paper. 7 Rub your hands over the zip lock bag to wipe away your drawings and start fresh.

How do you make a homemade themometer?

That's easy...all you have to do is get dye(any color will do) water, clear straw(any other color will not work) and a glass jarwith a sealing lid . Then you combined the water and dye together put it in the glass jar, punch a hole through the lid(has to be big enough for the straw and small enough so that air can't seep out)Then you push the straw through the hole ( if there is some extra space in the lid after the straw is in the hole put tape around the seeping part). then block the top of the straw and tape it up the put the themometer in the sun

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Need answer ASAP- What is my independent and dependent variable?

hi, im doing a science assignment on whether "a homemade barometer can be used to predict rainfall within 24 hours" and i need help with what the dependant variable and indepentant variable is FOR THIS EXPERIMENT

What is the dependent variable in a homemade lava lamp experiment?

The dependent variable in a homemade lava lamp experiment could be the amount of time it takes for the oil and water to separate, the number of bubbles formed, or the height of the "lava lamp" effect.

What is the independent variable of a homemade lava lamp?

The independent variable of a homemade lava lamp experiment could be the type or amount of oil used, the type or amount of water used, or the type or amount of effervescent tablets used. This variable is manipulated by the experimenter to observe its effect on the outcome of the lava lamp's behavior.

Is a homemade tornado a model or an experiment?

It is a model.

What are the variables for homemade lava lamp?

To make a homemade lava lamp, you will need a clear bottle or container, water, vegetable oil, effervescent tablets (like Alka-Seltzer), food coloring, and a flashlight or small lamp. The variables you can experiment with include the ratio of water to oil, the amount of food coloring, the size of the container, and the rate of effervescent tablet dissolution to observe different lava lamp effects.

What are the variables and constant in a homemade lava lamp?

Variables in a homemade lava lamp can include the type of oil and water used, the amount of food coloring added, and the size and shape of the container used. A constant in a homemade lava lamp could be the type of Alka-Seltzer tablet used to create the reaction that forms the bubbles.

Which homemade airplane design flies best?

U should do the experiment urself dumbo

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How much time does it take to create a homemade chicken feeder?

The time necessary for creating a homemade chicken feeder is vastly dependent on the instructions used. About an hour of spare time should be enough time to build one.

What is the best hypothesis for a homemade flashlight?

The best hypothesis for a homemade flashlight would be that the type of battery used will affect the brightness of the light. This hypothesis allows for a straightforward experiment where different batteries can be tested to see which one produces the brightest light.

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To transition from homemade laundry detergent to a commercial alternative, start by gradually using less of the homemade detergent and incorporating the commercial detergent into your laundry routine. Experiment with different commercial brands to find one that works best for your needs. Gradually phase out the homemade detergent until you are fully using the commercial alternative.

What is the objective for a homemade lava lamp?

The objective of a homemade lava lamp is to create a fun and visually appealing decorative item that mimics the mesmerizing movement of lava inside a lamp. It is a simple and entertaining DIY project that can be enjoyed as a science experiment or as a unique decor piece.