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The answer will depend on what the variables are.

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Q: What is the independent variable for needle through a balloon?
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Why doesn't a balloon pop with a needle through it?

When you insert a needle into a balloon, it creates a small hole. The air inside the balloon escapes gradually through this hole, preventing the balloon from popping. The pressure inside the balloon decreases as the air escapes, relieving the stress and preventing a sudden burst.

Can a needle go through a water balloon?

i can but it will not not pop

How can you put a needle in a balloon without popping it?

at the part where you blow it up Take a piece of tape and place it over the outside of the balloon. Poke the needle through the tape and through the surface of the balloon. The balloon will not pop because the surface of the balloon cannot expand, thus popping the balloon.

How do you pierce a needle into the balloon and not to break the balloon?

To pierce a needle into a balloon without breaking it, you need to do so slowly and gently. Push the needle through one side of the balloon at a time, allowing the air to escape slowly to minimize the risk of the balloon popping. Make sure the needle is sharp and thin to reduce the pressure applied on the rubber.

How do you prick a balloon with out popping it?

To prick a balloon without popping it, you can use a needle or a sharp pin and gently insert it into the thickest part of the balloon where the rubber is most stretchy. Slowly push the needle through while holding the balloon tightly to release the air slowly, preventing it from popping.

Why does a balloon burst when pricked with a needle?

Because of the small area of the needle and the force that is exerted on the balloon. The pressure inside the balloon that was previously more, finally can diffuse into the room. Since the air canot all escape from the needle prick it bursts to equal the pressure.

What pops like a balloon?

A balloon! When a balloon is filled with air or gas and becomes overinflated, it can pop suddenly.

Why it is much easier to burst a balloon with needle than finger?

A needle has a small point that concentrates pressure on a small area of the balloon, making it easier to puncture the surface and burst it. In contrast, a finger has a larger surface area, distributing the force across a wider area when pressure is applied, which makes it less effective at bursting the balloon.

Why don't balloons pop when pricked through tape?

When a balloon is pricked through tape, the tape creates a barrier that helps distribute the force of the prick over a larger area, reducing the pressure exerted on the balloon. This prevents a focused point of pressure from forming, decreasing the likelihood of the balloon popping.

Can a balloon pop?

duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh if u sit on it hard

Why does a rubber balloon with a piece of scotch tape not burst when pricked by a needle?

When a rubber balloon is taped, the adhesive creates a barrier that helps keep the air inside. When the needle is inserted, the tape and the rubber stretch and distribute the force over a larger area, preventing a sudden rupture. This dispersion of force helps to prevent the balloon from bursting.

How do you pump up a basketball?

you need a balloon and a needle like a pump needle or a cooking needle. blow the balloon up to the max and use a paperclip to keep the air in the balloon. then cut off the tip of the balloon. afterwards use it to keep the needle in the balloon then put the needle in the ball take the clip off and wait. it might not inflate it all the way up but it will do some good until you get a real pump.