An equation can often be re-written so that the subject of the equation is changed. This makes it nonsense to define either variable as independent.
A dependent variable is usually on the side of the equation by itself. The independent variable usually has something being done to it. And, the dependent variable is usually written to the left of the equation.
The independent variable is the variable that you change and manipulate in an equation. This causes the dependant variable to change.
If there is an independent variable, then it will be on the x-axis. Of course, there need not be any independent variable.
The dependent variable depends on the independent variable for its values as for example in the straight line equation y = 2x+6 whereas y is the dependent variable and x is the independent variable
rRestate the equation as A = 3.14r2.The independent variable is the one you are given - in this case, 'r'.The dependent variable is the one you have to work out (it depends on the other variable). In this case, A.
A dependent variable is usually on the side of the equation by itself. The independent variable usually has something being done to it. And, the dependent variable is usually written to the left of the equation.
The independent variable is the variable that you change and manipulate in an equation. This causes the dependant variable to change.
The dependent variable depends on the independent variable for its values as for example in the straight line equation: y = 2x+1 It is y that is the dependent variable and x the independent variable.
If there is an independent variable, then it will be on the x-axis. Of course, there need not be any independent variable.
The dependent variable is on the vertical y axis and the independent on the horizontal x axis In the equation for example y = 3x then y is dependent on the independent variable x
The dependent variable depends on the independent variable for its values as for example in the straight line equation y = 2x+6 whereas y is the dependent variable and x is the independent variable
Domain is the independent variable in an equation. It is what you put "in" the equation to get the Range.
x = 1 / y2 where: x is the dependent variable y is the independent variable
For example in the sraight line equation of y = 2x+6 it is y that is the dependent variable because its value is determined by the independent variable of x
An independent variable doesn't depend on anything else in the equation. YOU get to decide what it is, and it can be whatever you want. That's why it's called "independent" ... the only thing it depends on is YOUR whim.