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Q: What is the independent variable of Charles law balloon?
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What are the Application of Charles' law in daily life?

helium balloon left in sun will expand. sun makes balloon hotter and density will rise balloon

What variable changes in Charles Law?

In Charles's Law, the variable that changes is the volume of a gas. This law states that at constant pressure, the volume of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature, meaning that as temperature increases, the volume of the gas also increases.

What is an example of Charles's law in action?

An example of Charles's law in action is a balloon inflating when placed in a warm environment. As the temperature increases, the gas molecules inside the balloon gain kinetic energy and move faster, causing the volume of the balloon to expand in order to maintain a constant pressure.

What is the constant variable in Charles law?

Charles law is the law that states that at a constant pressure, the warmer a gas gets, the more volume it takes up and less dense it is.

What will happen to the size of the balloon when it is placed in a freezer?

It would shrink (according to Charles's Law).

Which law is obeyed when a balloon pops due to sun rays?

Charles's law. Pressure acting on the balloon is constant(atmospheric pressure). Thus when the sun's rays heat the balloon, the air inside expands and it pops sooner or later.

Applicaton pf charle's law?

One of the specific applications to Charles' Law is the Hot-Air Balloon, as the balloon is filled up with hot air, the rising temperature lowers the density of the balloon below atmospheric level helping the balloon to rise up into the air

What happens to the volume of a balloon left on a sunny windowsill and which gas law predict this result?

The volume of the balloon will increase on the sunny windowsill due to the increase in temperature. This follows Charles's Law, which states that the volume of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature when pressure is constant.

What is an example of Charles law?

one example is of a balloon left in the sun or over an a/c for too long

Is an example of Charles law?

one example is of a balloon left in the sun or over an a/c for too long

What is an example charles's law?

one example is of a balloon left in the sun or over an a/c for too long

When you put the balloon in the freezer what law is it an example of?

Placing a balloon in the freezer and observing it shrink demonstrates Charles's Law, which states that the volume of a gas is inversely proportional to its temperature at constant pressure. As the gas inside the balloon cools down, its particles lose kinetic energy, causing them to move closer together and the balloon to shrink in volume.