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Q: What is the integer for 12 degrees colder than yesterday?
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What is a neagitive integers?

Negative integers are integers that are less than zero. If the temperature is 17 degrees and it gets colder 22 degrees colder then it is minus 5 degrees. minus five is a negative integer.

Is 52 degrees colder than 59 degrees?

Yes, 52 degrees is 7 degrees colder than 59 degrees.

Is -14 colder than -4?

Yes, -14 is colder than -4. The lower the temperature, the colder it is. In this case, -14 degrees is 10 degrees colder than -4 degrees.

Is minus 19 degrees colder than minus 20 degrees?

No, minus 19 degrees is only 1 degree warmer than minus 20 degrees.

What degrees is 7 degrees colder than 3 degrees?

7 degrees is colder than 3 degrees by 4 degrees.

What is colder -10 degrees Celsius or -11 degrees Celsius?

-11 degrees Celsius is colder than -10 degrees Celsius.

What is colder 5 degrees Celsius or 20 degrees Celsius?

5 degrees Celsius is colder than 20 degrees Celsius.

Which is colder 10 degrees or 20 degrees?

10 degrees is colder than 20 degrees. The lower the temperature, the colder it is.

Is 6 degrees cold?

It is relatively cool, but not extremely cold. Most people would find 6 degrees Celsius to be chilly and would likely need to wear warmer clothing.

Which is colder 67 degrees Fahrenheit or 25 degrees celcelsius?

25 degrees Celsius is colder than 67 degrees Fahrenheit.

Is -16 degrees Fahrenheit colder than -10 degrees Fahrenheit?


Today's temperature is colder than yesterday is this right?

Without specific temperature data for comparison, it is difficult to confirm whether today's temperature is indeed colder than yesterday. It would be helpful to check the actual temperature readings for both days to determine if there has been a decrease in temperature.