

What is the integer of 102?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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Q: What is the integer of 102?
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101 and 102 Explanation: I'll use x to represent the first integer and x + 1 to represent the second integer (consecutive integers are one right after another). x + x + 1 = 203 2 x = 202 x = 101 The two numbers are 101 and 102.

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Since there are no specifications --- Positive integer: 102 Positive rational number: 0.12 Negative integer: -987 Negative exponent: -87^9

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It is -987. The smallest positive 3-digit integer with unique digits is 102.

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The average of the three integers is going to be -306/3 = -102. Therefore, taking one even integer from either side, -306 = (-100) + (-102) + (-104)

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My intuition suggests you are after a positive integer, so the answer is 102. However I suppose technically 0.12 also meets the criteria given (though it is not an integer). And if you can include negative integers then -987 would be the answer.

How do you turn -7.32 into a fraction?

Since the decimal expression has two digits after the decimal place, you divide the integer equivalent by 102. So, -7.32 = -732/100 which simplifies to -183/25