Interval is the values between 20 - 29; so 23 is within the 20-29 range.
to find an interval you have to subtract the first two number from each other for example 5 10 15 20 the interval for this set of data is 5
If suppose a tea break is given in a discussion session, say for 15 minutes, then this duration 15 minutes is the length of the interval. If we have to increase that length then we may make it to be 20 minutes.
Interval is the values between 20 - 29; so 23 is within the 20-29 range.
Lucid Interval was created on 2002-08-20.
lunitidal interval hrs of Singapre is 10:20
5, 10 , 15, 20
to find an interval you have to subtract the first two number from each other for example 5 10 15 20 the interval for this set of data is 5
20 minutes
20 hours.
A contour interval of 20 meters means that each contour line on the map represents a change in elevation of 20 meters. These contour lines help to visualize the shape and steepness of the terrain. The closer the contour lines are together, the steeper the terrain, while further apart lines indicate a gentler slope.