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There exists at least one quadrilateral which is not 4-sided.

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Q: What is the inverse of all quadrilaterals are four-sided figures?
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Related questions

What is the name for all four-sided figures?

All four-sided figures are quadrilaterals.

What is the name for all four sided figures?


What are all 4 dimensional figures?

There are none to be seen but if you meant 4 sided figures then they are quadrilaterals

Which figures are quadrilaterals?

All 4 sided polygons are quadrilaterals such as a square, rectangle, parallelogram, rhombus, kite ... etc

Why are all squares quadrilaterals?

because they have four sides, which is the definition of quadrilateral

What figures are quadrilaterals Check all that apply.?

Quadrilaterals are 4 sided shapes such as a square, a rectangle, a rhombus, a parallelogram, a kite ... etc

Is a square rhombus and parallelogram a quadrilateral?

yes they are all four sided figures classifying them as quadrilaterals

Which quadrilateral has all the properties of all the other quadrilaterals?

None. The only common property of quadrilaterals is that they are plane figures that are bounded by four straight sides, and that they have four vertices. So far all quadrilaterals are candidates for the answer. But then with each quadrilateral you get some unique property that is not shared by others so NO quadrilateral has all te properties of all the other quadrilaterals.

Are all quadrilaterals a closed figures?

Yes, you may think of "closed figure" as part of the definition of a quadrilateral.

Are all kites quadrilaterals?

All kites are quadrilaterals, but quadrilaterals are not kites.

Is all parrallelograms are quadrilaterals?

All parallelograms are quadrilaterals but all quadrilaterals are not necessarily parallelograms

The different kinds of quadrilaterals and their meaning?

Quadrilaterals are figures that have four sides and the sum of all its angles is 360 degrees. Examples include the parallelogram, square, rectangle, rhombus, and scalene, right-angled, and isosceles trapezoids.