You may be referring to the rule for dividing fractions. To divide one fraction by another, you invert the second fraction (exchange numerator and denominator), and multiply instead.
When you divide by fractions, you invert and multiply.
Because that is just how it works mathematically If you divide one vulgar (or common) fraction by a second vulgar fraction, the rule is: Invert the second fraction and then multiply them together. It is too difficult to explain why this works, using typed explanation on the computer, but just accept that it works.
Invert the fraction, and multiply it by the whole number.
Because division and multiplication are mutually inverse operations.
When dividing one fraction by another, invert the second fraction and multiply them.
When you divide by fractions, you invert and multiply.
invert and multiply
Invert (flip) the second one, and then multiply them.
Because that is just how it works mathematically If you divide one vulgar (or common) fraction by a second vulgar fraction, the rule is: Invert the second fraction and then multiply them together. It is too difficult to explain why this works, using typed explanation on the computer, but just accept that it works.
Invert the fraction, and multiply it by the whole number.
Given one invert, and the length of the pipe and the slope of the pipe, you multiply the the length of the pipe by it's slope (expressed as a decimal ratio) and add the result to the known invert.
[1/2] / [2/3] Remember the rule for division of fractions. ; CHANGE THE SIGN TO MULTIPLY AND INVERT THE RIGHT HAND (DENOMINATING) FRACTION, and proceed as multiplying fractions. Hence 1/2 X 3/2 = 3/4 The Answer!!!!!
Seven sixteenths. You invert, then multiply, to divide fractions.
Because division and multiplication are mutually inverse operations.
multiply in mathematics
multiply in mathematics
L'Hôpital's Rule or L'Hôspital's Rule