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It is called xenophobia.

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Q: What is the irrational fear of foreign people?
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What phobia is the fear of the unknown?

the dictionary defines "Xenophobe" as a person who fears the unknown or unfamiliar.This is the right definition of xenophobe:XENOPHOBE: one unduly fearful of what is foreign and especially of people of foreign originPanphobia -fear of everything or constant fear of an unknown cause

What is an irrational fear of people from other countries called?


What is xenophonbia?

intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries

What is kathisophobia?

an irrational fear of sitting down. an irrational fear of sitting down.

Can you use irrational in a sentence?

His fear of rain was irrational. Even though it was an irrational fear, he couldn't stand raindrops.

Hippiphobia is the fear of what?

The irrational fear of hippies.

Why are humans scared of ghost?

simple. ignorance. what people don't understand we fear and from fear generates hate. i.e homophobia, arachnophobia, ...etc. they are all silly irrational fears and people try to make it seem like that what they fear is irrational but it's just the way they think.

What phobias start with x?

· xenophobic - abnormal fear of foreign things, especially strangers or foreign people

What does the word 'xenophobia' come from?

Xenophobia is generally considered a fear of foreigners. It can also mean an irrational fear of anything that is perceived as foreign or out of place. It comes from the Greek words xenos, which means foreigner or stranger, and phobos, which means fear.

What is the phobia of Allah?

Theophobia- the irrational fear of a god or deity. Remember its only a phobia if its an "irrational" fear, a normal healthy fear is not a phobia.

Chornophobia is the fear of what?

An exaggerated or irrational fear of time

What is ailurophobic a fear of?

it's the irrational fear of cats.