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The volume of the earth is 1.0832073×1012 km³

1012 is 1 with 12 zeroes behind it .... so 1,083,3207,300,000

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Q: What is the kilometers cubed of the earth?
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What is the volume of the earth in cm cubed?

8,407,437,756,430.091Km cubed x 100,000. I think.

116 metes cubed converted to kilometers cubed?

1km=1000m1km3=1,000,000,000m3?km3=116m3Proportional method: ?=1*116/1,000,000,000=0.000000116. ------>So116m3=0.000000116km3.

What is the approximate volume of the earth?

2 miles cubed

How much water is in the open ocean?

The Indian Ocean is the third largest ocean and contains 20% of Earth's water surface. That translates to 284 million cubic kilometers of water.

What is the radius of earth in kilometers?

The radius of Earth is approximately 6,371 kilometers.

The lateral area of a cube is 144 square kilometers What is its side length?

about 5.25. 5.25 cubed is 144.703125.

How many kilometers to the center of the earth?

That would be the radius of the earth which is:6,378.1 kilometers

What is the volume of the moon?

The volume of the moon is approximately 2.195 x 10^10 cubic kilometers.

How many kilometers above the earth is the thermosphere?

The thermosphere of Earth is located approximately 85-600 kilometers above the Earth's surface. The exact height can vary depending on solar activity and other factors.

What is Deimos's volume?

Deimos, one of the moons of Mars, has a volume of approximately 2,060 cubic kilometers. It is relatively small compared to other moons in the solar system, measuring only about 15 by 12 by 11 kilometers in size.

What the volume of the moon?

The diameter of the moon is about 3474.8 kilometers. The volume of a sphere is equal to 4/3 (pi)(radius cubed). This gives it a volume of approximately 2.1958 E10 cubic kilometers.

How big of a pile would 804549 meters cubed of earth make?

It would be bigger than the earth its self. the earth is only 804549meteres squared