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Kinetic energy = (1/2) (mass) (speed)2

KE = (1/2) (2,000) [ (50 km/hr) x (1,000 m/km) / (3,600 sec/hr) ]2

= (1,000) (192.9) = 192,901.2 joules (rounded)

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Q: What is the kinetic energy of a 2000 kg car that is moving at 50 km per hour?
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Which has more kinetic energy a motorcycle moving at 100km per hour or a truck moving at 100km per hour why?

KE = 1/2 mass *velocity squared A direct relationship. More mass, and a truck has more mass, and the more kinetic energy if velocities are held equal.

Why does an ocean liner traveling at 100km per hour would have more kinetic energy than a yacht traveling at the same velocity.?

The difference is the mass of the moving object: ocean liner some 10.000 to: yacht some 10 to Theory: W kin = kinetic energy m = mass v = velocity W kin = 1/2 * m * v² So the yacht would have to travel approx. 316 times faster than the ocean liner (when at 10 knots per hour) to have the same kinetic energy.

What has greater kinetic energy a car traveling at 35 miles per hour or a car traveling at 50 miles per hour?

Kinetic Energy is defined as the energy associated with motion. This is in contrast to potential energy which is associated with an entity's energy at rest, and it's potential for motion. Kinetic Energy can be calculated using this formula: KE = 0.5*Mass*Velocity^2, where KE = Kinetic Energy It is apparent by the formula that the same car traveling at a higher speed will have a greater kinetic energy than it does when traveling at a lower speed. Therefore, when the car travels at 50 mi/hr it has a higher kinetic energy than when it travels at 35 mi/hr. Let me just note that if we were talking about two different cars then we'd have to consider the weights of the cars.

What is the kinetic energy of a 900 kg car moving 80 miles per hour?

The kinetic energy is one half the mass times the velocity squared KE = 1/2 mv^2 First you cannot mix English and metric units, so you need to convert miles per hour to meters per second and your answer will be in kg m^2/sec^2 or joules 80 mph = 35.76 meters per second KE = 1/2 (80) x (35.76)^2 = 51,151 joules

What is the equation for a falling object?

The equation for the kinetic energy of a falling object is kinetic energy=1/2 an object's mass multiplied by it's speed squared. From this, we can work out the speed. First you need to know its weight and its kinetic energy. The kinetic energy is obtained by working out it's potential energy before it fell (Potential energy= mass multiplied by gravitational pull multiplied by height. Then, at whatever point during the fall, the decrease in potential energy marks the increase in kinetic energy. From then we work out the speed. Example; An object that weighs 8.1 kilograms is 10 metres above the ground. It's potential energy is therefore 8.1x10(gravitational pull on earth is always 10)x10. So it has a potential energy of 810 joules. it falls 5 metres, so it's potential energy is 8.1x10x5 (405 joules). The total energy, we know, is 810J, so 810-a05=405, giving it kinetic energy of 405J. The kinetic energy formula is then rearranged as speed squared=kinetic energy/ 0.5m. Our equation is therefore speed squared= 405/4.05, so speed squared=100. The square root of 100 is 10 so the speed is 10 metres per second (36 kilometres per hour).

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The answer will depend on the rate. 20 miles per day? per hour?

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Which has more kinetic energy a motorcycle moving at 100km per hour or a truck moving at 100km per hour why?

KE = 1/2 mass *velocity squared A direct relationship. More mass, and a truck has more mass, and the more kinetic energy if velocities are held equal.

What is the kinetic energy if 23.5 grams is moving 81.9 kilometers per hour?

23.5 grams = 0.0235 kilograms 81.9 km per hour = 22.75 metres per sec. So kinetic energy = 1/2*Mass*Velocity2 = 6.081 Newtons

What would the kinetic energy of a rock sitting on the ground be?

Zero. You need to think in terms of "frame of reference" as in what are you comparing the rock to. If you are an observer sitting next to the rock then the kinetic energy of the rock RELATIVE TO YOU is zero - I.E. the rock isn't moving relative to you and thus has no kinetic energy - energy of motion - relative to you. If you are an observer sitting a million miles from earth watching the rock then it is zipping around at 1000 miles per hour as the earth spins on its axis and it has significant kinetic energy RELATIVE TO YOU. You need to think in terms of "frame of reference" as in what are you comparing the rock to. If you are an observer sitting next to the rock then the kinetic energy of the rock RELATIVE TO YOU is zero - i.e. the rock isn't moving relative to you and thus has no kinetic energy - energy of motion - relative to you. If you are an observer sitting a million miles from earth watching the rock then it is zipping around at 1000 miles per hour as the earth spins on its axis and it has significant kinetic energy RELATIVE TO YOU. ---- So we don't get bored, no kinetic and no gravitational potential energy.

What object carries the greatest amount of kinetic energy?

An object with the greatest amount of kinetic energy would be one that is both heavy and moving at a high speed. For example, a speeding bullet or a fast-moving train would carry a significant amount of kinetic energy due to their mass and velocity.

Which has the most kinetic energy a 1000 kg car traveling 30 ms or a car traveling 45 ms?

WOW, 5 MILES PER SECOND. I guess that I would have to calculate the miles per hour. To do this, we must multiply 5 miles per second times 3600(the number of seconds in an hour). That is 18000 miles per hour. I like to work in the SI system, so by converting this to meters per second, we get 8.04672E3 meters per second. Kinetic energy is defined as one half mvsquared. The Kinetic Energy is equal to 3.2374E10 Joules.

What is the kinetic energy of a Toyota Prius?

Kinetic energy is (1/2) x mass times velocity2. If the car is at rest, its kinetic energy is zero. If it is moving, look up its mass in kilograms, or do a reasonable estimate; assume a reasonable speed, in meters per second (for example, 20 meter per second; this is equivalent to 72 km/hour), and plug it into the above formula. The result will be in Joule.

Why does an ocean liner traveling at 100km per hour would have more kinetic energy than a yacht traveling at the same velocity.?

The difference is the mass of the moving object: ocean liner some 10.000 to: yacht some 10 to Theory: W kin = kinetic energy m = mass v = velocity W kin = 1/2 * m * v² So the yacht would have to travel approx. 316 times faster than the ocean liner (when at 10 knots per hour) to have the same kinetic energy.

What has the most mechanical kinetic energy?

a car going 60 miles per hour

What objects has the most mechanical kinetic energy?

a car going 60 miles per hour

Describe the change in kinetic energy when the temperature of an object increases?

As the temperature of an object increases, the kinetic energy of its particles also increases. This is because higher temperature means the particles move faster, which results in an increase in their kinetic energy.