Hint: 1 gallon = 3.785 L The answer is 28.4 L
A U.S.gallon is 231 cubic inches. Any combination of L x W x H in inches that gives 231 can be used. One easy combination is 7 x 3 x 11 (all inches) = 231 cu.in. = 1 U.S. gallon.
the volume is: 2*15*20.5=615 cubic feet 1 cubic foot = 7.48 gallon => 615 cubic feet = 615*7.48 Gallon.
1 imperial (English) gallon = 4,546 09 L = (3 L bottle) + 1,546 09 L = 3,5
x cents/gallon * 1 gal/3.78 L * $1 /100 cents = $x / 378 L Divide cents per gallon by 378 to get dollars per litre.
Hint: 1 gallon = 3.785 L The answer is 28.4 L
Fuel Tank Capacitie Ford 8N tractorStandard 9 Gallon (11.3 L)Reserve 1 Gallon (3.8 L)
no 1 gal = 3.78 L 1 L = 0.26 gallon
1 US gallon is about 3.8 L
1 US gallon is very slightly greater than 3.78 litres. A full US gallon is 3.785 litres.
A U.S.gallon is 231 cubic inches. Any combination of L x W x H in inches that gives 231 can be used. One easy combination is 7 x 3 x 11 (all inches) = 231 cu.in. = 1 U.S. gallon.
Four quarts go into a gallon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 US gallon is equivalent to 3,785 411 784 L. 1 Imperial British gallon is equivalent to 4,546 09 L. 1 US quart is equivalent to 0,946 352 946 L. 1 Imperial British quart is 1,1365225 L.
Conversion: mL x 0.000264 = US gallons
1 gallon is equal to approximately 3.785 liters.
H L. Van der Horst has written: 'Gas-discharge tubes'
no 1 l = 0.26 gal