73 is the largest two-digit number that is prime and has prime numbers for both of its digits.
The largest 3 digit number whose digits are all primes is 777. The largest 3 digit number with different prime digits is 753.
73 is the largest 2 digit number that is both prime and has prime numbers for both of its digits.
The largest three digit prime number whose digits are all primes is 773.
As of October 2015, the largest known prime number is 2^57,885,161 − 1, a number with 17,425,170 digits.
73 is the largest two-digit number that is prime and has prime numbers for both of its digits.
The largest 3 digit number whose digits are all primes is 777. The largest 3 digit number with different prime digits is 753.
73 is the largest 2 digit number that is both prime and has prime numbers for both of its digits.
The largest three digit prime number whose digits are all primes is 773.
As of October 2015, the largest known prime number is 2^57,885,161 − 1, a number with 17,425,170 digits.
How about: 773
The largest single digit composite number is 9. The largest prime number is 17 million digits long. The definition of a composite number is any number that has at least one positive divisor other than one or the number itself (it is not a prime number). The largest composite digit is therefore longer than the largest prime number by at leaf +1.
679 is the product of the largest single-digit prime number and the largest two-digit prime number.
9797 is the largest two digit prime number.