9,801 = 992
Another possibility: The 4-digit number 9998. It's the square of 9949 .
10000 is the square of 100 so you're looking for the square of 99 which is 9801.
Every square of a 4 digit number has more than four digits.
Largest 4 digit number with repetition is 9999 Largest 3 digit number without repetition is 987 Difference is 9999 - 987 = 9012.
The largest four-digit prime number is 9973.
9984 is the largest 4-digit multiple of 32
The smallest 4-digit number is 1000, and the largest 4-digit number is 9999.
The largest 4 digit number is 9999.
what is the largest 4-digit number you can make
The largest 4-digit even number is 9,998.
10000 is the square of 100 so you're looking for the square of 99 which is 9801.
The largest 4 digit number in base 8 is 77778 (= 409510).
Every square of a 4 digit number has more than four digits.
Largest 4 digit number with repetition is 9999 Largest 3 digit number without repetition is 987 Difference is 9999 - 987 = 9012.
The largest four-digit prime number is 9973.
9984 is the largest 4-digit multiple of 32