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The largest amount of US coinage that one can hold without having change for a dollar is $1.19, comprised of: 3 quarters (or 1 half dollar and 1 quarter), 4 dimes, and 4 pennies

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Q: What is the largest amount of American currency one can hold without having change for a dollar?
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Where can you withdraw 1000 from an ATM at one time?

The answer will depend on the currency unit. I do not belive that such an amount, in pounds Sterling, can be withdrawn at a time.The answer will depend on the currency unit. I do not belive that such an amount, in pounds Sterling, can be withdrawn at a time.The answer will depend on the currency unit. I do not belive that such an amount, in pounds Sterling, can be withdrawn at a time.The answer will depend on the currency unit. I do not belive that such an amount, in pounds Sterling, can be withdrawn at a time.

What five coins make a total of 0.72?

In American currency, the following common coins hold the following values:Penny: .01Nickel: .05Dime: .1Quarter: .25Fifty-cent piece (Kennedy): .5Dollar coin (there are several types): 1.Two quarters, two dimes, and a penny amount to .71.In the short time I have considered this problem, I cannot see how fewer than six coins (of American currency) can amount to .72. If there is a way, I apologize for my failure to convey it.

How do you read this amount in words 45000000.00?

If you mean as currency it is forty-five million dollars.

What You need to sell 250 candy bars at 2 each. If you meet your goal the total amount of money you will have is measured in the?

The total amount you will have will be measured in the units of currency in which you are selling the bars. Since you have not specified what currency unit you are referring to, the answer cannot be more specific.

How many significant figures does 2000.00 have?

There are six - unless the quantity is a currency amount in which case it is 1.

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Amount of gold desides currency of country.

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Currently there is 140.3 billion dollars of currency in circulation. India has the 5th largest amount of currency in circulation. China ranks 4th with 492.3 billion dollars of currency in circulation.

How is foreign currency translation calculated?

Foreign currency translation is calculated by multiplying the foreign currency amount by the exchange rate. The exchange rate is the value of one currency in terms of another currency, and it can be obtained from financial markets or from central banks. The resulting product is the translated amount in the reporting currency.

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it has weakened

What is said of a country currency when it takes more of the currency to buy the same amount of another country's currency?

it has weakened

What is said of a country's currency when it takes more of the currency to buy the same amount of another country's currency?

it has weakened

Where can you withdraw 1000 from an ATM at one time?

The answer will depend on the currency unit. I do not belive that such an amount, in pounds Sterling, can be withdrawn at a time.The answer will depend on the currency unit. I do not belive that such an amount, in pounds Sterling, can be withdrawn at a time.The answer will depend on the currency unit. I do not belive that such an amount, in pounds Sterling, can be withdrawn at a time.The answer will depend on the currency unit. I do not belive that such an amount, in pounds Sterling, can be withdrawn at a time.

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