The largest four digit whole number that is a multiple of 7 is 9,996.
If you allow non integers, then your smallest four-digit number would be .0001. If you only allow integers, then your smallest four-digit number would be 1000. Your largest four-digit number would be 9999.
The largest four-digit prime number is 9973.
9876 is the largest four digit number you can make if all the digits must be different.
113 x 88 = 9944 The highest four-digit number divisible by 88 is 9944.
If you allow non integers, then your smallest four-digit number would be .0001. If you only allow integers, then your smallest four-digit number would be 1000. Your largest four-digit number would be 9999.
The largest four-digit prime number is 9973.
9,999 is the greatest four digit number.
9876 is the largest four digit number you can make if all the digits must be different.
It is 9999.
113 x 88 = 9944 The highest four-digit number divisible by 88 is 9944.
Assuming you do not want a number with leading zeros, the difference is 8999.
I think you mean, the largest four digit number that has exactly three divisors. 2X3X1663=9,978