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Q: What is the largest four digit number you can form with the digits 2 3 4 and 7 if repetition of digits is allow?
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What is the difference between largest number with no repetition and smallest number with no repetition?

The largest number with no repetition of digits (if that is what is meant) is 9876543210. The "smallest" number with no repetition is the negative of that if we allow negative numbers so the difference is zero. If by "smallest" we mean non-negative number, the smallest number with no repetition is 0 so the difference is the original number, 9876543210. If by "smallest" we mean smallest positive number, the smallest positive number without repeating digits is .01, so the difference is 9876543209.99. The unambiguous way to write a number smaller than 1 is to prefix it with "0." To be extremely precise, if by "no repetition" you mean to require that form and to exclude 0.01 because there are two zeros, then the smallest positive number "without repetition" is 0.1 and the difference is 9876543209.9. Everything depends on exactly what is meant by the question. It is important to avoid ambiguity in mathematics - and in everything else.

What is the biggest numeral that you can form using all the 10 digits?

The largest numeral that can be formed using all 10 digits is 9876543210. This number contains all the digits from 0 to 9 in descending order, making it the largest possible arrangement. Any other arrangement would result in a smaller number.

Which is the smallest two digits number?

It is -99 (or 10 if you don't allow negatives)

What is the smallest and largest four-digit number?

If you allow non integers, then your smallest four-digit number would be .0001. If you only allow integers, then your smallest four-digit number would be 1000. Your largest four-digit number would be 9999.

What is the least possible four digit number using all the digits repeated?

1111, unless you allow negative number. In that case, the answer is -9999.

Related questions

What is the difference between largest number with no repetition and smallest number with no repetition?

The largest number with no repetition of digits (if that is what is meant) is 9876543210. The "smallest" number with no repetition is the negative of that if we allow negative numbers so the difference is zero. If by "smallest" we mean non-negative number, the smallest number with no repetition is 0 so the difference is the original number, 9876543210. If by "smallest" we mean smallest positive number, the smallest positive number without repeating digits is .01, so the difference is 9876543209.99. The unambiguous way to write a number smaller than 1 is to prefix it with "0." To be extremely precise, if by "no repetition" you mean to require that form and to exclude 0.01 because there are two zeros, then the smallest positive number "without repetition" is 0.1 and the difference is 9876543209.9. Everything depends on exactly what is meant by the question. It is important to avoid ambiguity in mathematics - and in everything else.

What is the biggest numeral that you can form using all the 10 digits?

The largest numeral that can be formed using all 10 digits is 9876543210. This number contains all the digits from 0 to 9 in descending order, making it the largest possible arrangement. Any other arrangement would result in a smaller number.

Which is the smallest two digits number?

It is -99 (or 10 if you don't allow negatives)

What is the smallest and largest four-digit number?

If you allow non integers, then your smallest four-digit number would be .0001. If you only allow integers, then your smallest four-digit number would be 1000. Your largest four-digit number would be 9999.

What is the least possible four digit number using all the digits repeated?

1111, unless you allow negative number. In that case, the answer is -9999.

How many digits does a card number have?

Most credit and debit cards have sixteen digits. American Express cards have fifteen. Even fifteen digits is enough to allow every single person on Earth to have over a thousand credit cards, which is why it's unlikely that a random string of digits will turn out to be a valid credit card number.

How many numbers can you made of this number 3586?

You can make 24 numbers by rearranging the digits. However, you can make vastly more if you allow mathematical operations on the digits. For example, 3+5*8-6 = 37.

How many combinations are available with 16 digits?

If you allow the combination comprising no digits, then 2^16 = 65536.

What is the smallest number that can be made by subtracting 2 five digit numbers using the digits 0123456789?

It is difficult to interpret exactly what you are trying to ask. If you allow your five digit number to have leading zeroes and do not allow negative numbers, then 00000 - 99999 = -99999 is the smallest number. If you do allow negative 5 digit numbers, then (-99999) - 99999 = -199998 is the smallest number.

What do the letters BR after a medicare number mean?

the ltr at the of of the medicare claim number varies, it could be A, B, D. Medicare number are only 9 digits, ltrs are added at the end to allow more combinations

What is the number of possible 9 digit social security numbers if the digits may be repeated?

If the digits may be repeated, and if the number may begin with a zero, then it's just all ofthe counting numbers up to 999,999,999.If it can't begin with a zero, then you have to throw away the first 99,999,999 and there canonly be 900,000,000.

What can a decrease decimal allow you to do?

It allows you to round the decimal fraction so as to display fewer digits.