1: the numbers are co-prime.
27 divides into 108 evenly (27*4=108), so 108 is the LCM.◄
The Greatest Common Divisor of two numbers is the largest number that will divide into both evenly. For example, although 27 and 81 are both divisible by 3, it wouldn't be the greatest common divisor, because 27 divides into 81 evenly as well: the greatest common divisor of 27 and 81 is 27.
27 = the cube of 3 = 54/2
1 2 3 4 6 8 9 12 18 24 27 36 54 72 108 and 216.
Because 3 divides evenly into 27 with no remainder.
1: the numbers are co-prime.
The greatest common factor (GCF) is often also called the greatest common divisor (GCD) or highest common factor (HCF). Keep in mind that these different terms all refer to the same thing: the largest integer which evenly divides two or more numbers.The greatest common factor of 27 and 108 is 27
The greatest common factor (GCF) is often also called the greatest common divisor (GCD) or highest common factor (HCF). Keep in mind that these different terms all refer to the same thing: the largest integer which evenly divides two or more numbers.The greatest common factor of 27 and 216 is 27
27 divides into 108 evenly (27*4=108), so 108 is the LCM.◄
The Greatest Common Divisor of two numbers is the largest number that will divide into both evenly. For example, although 27 and 81 are both divisible by 3, it wouldn't be the greatest common divisor, because 27 divides into 81 evenly as well: the greatest common divisor of 27 and 81 is 27.
The greatest common factor (GCF) is often also called the greatest common divisor (GCD) or highest common factor (HCF). Keep in mind that these different terms all refer to the same thing: the largest integer which evenly divides two or more numbers.The greatest common factor of 27 and 62 is 1
The greatest common factor (GCF) is often also called the greatest common divisor (GCD) or highest common factor (HCF). Keep in mind that these different terms all refer to the same thing: the largest integer which evenly divides two or more numbers.The greatest common factor of 27 and 66 is 3
The greatest common factor (GCF) is often also called the greatest common divisor (GCD) or highest common factor (HCF). Keep in mind that these different terms all refer to the same thing: the largest integer which evenly divides two or more numbers.The greatest common factor of 27, 36, and 144 is 9
The greatest common factor (GCF) is often also called the greatest common divisor (GCD) or highest common factor (HCF). Keep in mind that these different terms all refer to the same thing: the largest integer which evenly divides two or more numbers.The greatest common factor of 27 and 343 is 1It is: 1
The largest factor of any positive integer is the number itself.
All of these: 1, 3, 9, 27, 81, 243, 729.