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Q: What is the largest number in a list minus the smallest?
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To find the largest number: Assume (temporarily) that the first number is the largest number. You might call this the "largest number found so far". Then, for each number after the first one, compare the number with the largest number found so far. If the new number in the list is larger, call that one the "largest number found so far". Repeat for each number. After processing all the numbers, the "largest number found so far" will simply be the largest number.For example, if your list is (5, 2, 8, -1), you start assuming that 5 (the first number in the list) is the largest number. You compare with 2 - "5" is still the largest number, since 2 is smaller. When you compare with 8, you find that 8 is larger, so you replace your "largest number" with 8. "-1" is smaller, so nothing changes. Since we processed the entire list, the largest number is now 8.You can do the same - mutatis mutandis - to find the smallest number.

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