463/100 (which we know can not be simplified as 463 is a prime number that is greater than the denominator of 100).
That number is 462.
463! It depends on what sum you are estimating from. If the question was 462+1, I would not estimate anything other than 463. If the question was square root of 214,369, I would go for an estimate between 450 and 500.
463 is a whole number. So there's no different whole numberthat's any closer to it than it already is.
463/100 (which we know can not be simplified as 463 is a prime number that is greater than the denominator of 100).
That number is 462.
463! It depends on what sum you are estimating from. If the question was 462+1, I would not estimate anything other than 463. If the question was square root of 214,369, I would go for an estimate between 450 and 500.
463 is a whole number. So there's no different whole numberthat's any closer to it than it already is.
The positive integer factors of 463 are: 1, 463
Only by 1 and 463 since 463 is a prime number.
It does not fractionalize other than the obvious 463/100000
463-84 = 379
463-55 = 408
463, 000