If the digits are only used once, each, the largest possible number would be 97,531
If repeated digits are allowed, then the largest 12-digit number is 999,999,999,999 .If repeated digits are not allowed, then the largest 12-digit number is 989,898,989,898 .If the same digit can't be used more than once, then the largest possible number has only10 digits. The number is 9,876,543,210 .
9876 is the largest four digit number you can make if all the digits must be different.
The largest 3 digit number whose digits are all primes is 777. The largest 3 digit number with different prime digits is 753.
9876 (:
If the digits are only used once, each, the largest possible number would be 97,531
If repeated digits are allowed, then the largest 12-digit number is 999,999,999,999 .If repeated digits are not allowed, then the largest 12-digit number is 989,898,989,898 .If the same digit can't be used more than once, then the largest possible number has only10 digits. The number is 9,876,543,210 .
9876 is the largest four digit number you can make if all the digits must be different.
The largest 3 digit number whose digits are all primes is 777. The largest 3 digit number with different prime digits is 753.
99 is the largest two digit number. If I can use the digits anyway I want, then 9 to the 9th power is larger
To give the particular number the largest possible value, arrange the digits in the order of their individual value, beginning with the largest one on the left and smallest on the right. To give the particular number its smallest possible value, arrange the digits in the order of their individual value, beginning with the smallest one on the left and largest on the right.
The largest ten digit number with no repeated digits is '9876543210'.
> 9999876 Actually, 9999876 has four different digits (6, 7, 8, 9). The largest 7-digit number with three different digits is 9999987.