The largest remainder would be 8, because if it were 9 you could divide the number once more. The largest remainder you can have is always one less than what you're dividing by. So if you're dividing by 10, your largest remainder is 9. If you're dividing by 100, it's 99. And so on.
The largest possible number for a remainder is 1 less than the number of the divisor, so it is 5.
The largest possible remainder when dividing by any number N is N-1.
7 because if the remainder was 8, you could just divide it one more time
The largest remainder would be 8, because if it were 9 you could divide the number once more. The largest remainder you can have is always one less than what you're dividing by. So if you're dividing by 10, your largest remainder is 9. If you're dividing by 100, it's 99. And so on.
14. The largest possible number for a remainder is 1 less than the divisor.
The largest possible number for a remainder is 1 less than the number of the divisor, so it is 5.
Well, honey, when you divide any number by 25, the largest remainder you can have is 24. It's simple math, darling. So, if you're left with a remainder of 24 after dividing by 25, you're doing it right. Keep up the good work, sweetie!
If you're dividing a whole number by 2, then the greatest possible remainder is 1.