6 is not a prime number but it is a factor of 72
The largest prime factor of 8,091 is: 31
The largest prime factor of 1,996 is 499.
The largest prime factor of 358 is 179.
The greatest common factor of 25 and 72 is 1, so they are relatively prime.
6 is not a prime number but it is a factor of 72
3 is a prime factor of 72 and is contained in the prime factorization.
The largest prime factor of 92 is 23.
The largest prime factor of 1,505 is 43.
The largest prime factor of 93,093 is 31.
The largest prime factor of 38 is 19.
The largest prime factor of 42 is 7
The largest prime factor of 4,110 is 137.
The largest prime factor of 8,091 is: 31
The largest prime factor of 1,996 is 499.
The largest prime factor of 358 is 179.
9 is not prime, so it is not a prime factor of 72, great or otherwise.