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Q: What is the largest prime number smaller than 190?
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What is the biggest prime number smaller than 5 to the third power?

113 is the largest prime number less than 53 = 125.

What is the largest number less than 100 that is relatively prime to 167?

Since 167 is a prime, any number smaller that 167 will be relatively prime. So, the largest number less than 100, that is 99, is relatively prime.

What is the next prime number after 200?

That depends on which direction you're counting. The largest prime number smaller than 200 is 199. The smallest prime number larger than 200 is 211. 200 itself is not a prime number.

Is the largest prime number larger than the number of atoms in the universe?

Yes. There are infinitely many prime numbers so that the largest prime number is infiitely large. The current understanding of the universe suggests that it is finite, and therefore the number of atoms must be smaller.

What is the largest prime number less than 100?

9797 is the largest prime number less than 100.

What is the largest prime number less than 70?

67 will be the largest prime number less than 70.

What is the largest prime no lesser than 1000?

The largest prime number less than 1000 is 997.The largest prime number no less than 1000 is currently 257,885,161-1

What is the largest prime number lower than 300?

Actually the largest prime # is larger than 300 because 301 is prime

What large prime number less than 50?

The largest prime number less than 50 is 47.

What is the largest prime number less than 37?

The lowest prime number that is less than 37 is 29.

What is the largest prime number greater than 200?

This is the same as asking "What is the largest prime number?". The answer would be infinity, but infinity isn't a number. There is no answer. Maybe you meant to ask: "What is the SMALLEST prime number greater than 200?". The answer to that is 211.