The largest 3-digit odd number is 999.
what is the largest 4-digit number you can make
99. Its 99. Wow Did you mean to say the largest odd two digit number?
An odd number (the last digit, 1, is not evenly divisible by 2).
50% of numbers divisible by 5 are even, the other 50% are odd. If the single's digit of a number is 5, then the number is divisible by 5 and odd. For example, 25. However, if the single's digit of a number is 0, then the number is divisible by 5 and even. For example, 20.
no, as it is an odd number. (3 as the last digit)
If the last two digits are divisible by 4 then the number is divisible by 4. Thus, if the tens digit is even and the units digit is 0 or 4 or 8 OR if the tens digit is odd and the units digit is 2 or 6 then the number is divisible by 4.
It is 9999.
It is 99.