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Q: What is the later sparcer fewer policy?
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Wan xi shao what is it?

It means later, longer, and fewer. China's government wanted later marriages, longer intervals between births, and fewer children. It started in 1971. You should also look into China's One Child Policy which happened in 1979.

What is the future for the one child policy in china?

It is going to be dificult later on , as majority of them want boys,that generation will have fewer girls to choose as lifepartners.

How was President Taft different from Roosevelt in foreign policy?

Fewer troops.

What president Taft differed from president roosevelt in foreign policy by?

fewer troops

President Taft differed from President Roosevelt in foreign policy by using?

fewer troops apex rhec

What foreign policy did president Taft and president Roosevelt differ from?

fewer troops --------> APEX

President Traff differed from president Roosevelt of fortune policy by using?

Fewer troops (Apex)

What led to the over population in China?

In 1949 when The People's Republic of China was formed the population was mostly workers and families were paid to have babies. The probelm was the population didn't stop growing after that and by 1953 it had grown to about 583 million people. By 1964 the Chinese goevernment realized they had a problem on their hands and came out with the Later Sparcer Fewer Policy. The problem with this policy was that there were still to many people that even though families were having fewer children further apart and later in life the population was still growing. In 1979 the government came up with a new plan. A very extreme plan. The One Child Policy. i found this answer on In the early 80's the Chinese government decided to take it's population problem into it's own hands by coming up with what is probably the harshist most extreme population control policy to date. The one-child policy was introduced to ensure that China, which has historically been prone to floods and famine, could feed all its people. The one-child policy or family-planing policy says that each couple living in the urban areas should have only one child, unless one or both parents are from an ethnic minority or they are both only children. In most rural areas, a couple may have a second child after a break of several years. Resently this one-child policy has been made a law. The previous "one-child" policy was intended to address the Chinese government's concern over its growing population. But the policy had often been viewed as somewhat of an anomaly-because although it increased access to reproductive health services, particularly contraception, it also took away individual freedom by stripping women right to control her own fertility.

In general is true about the effect education has on family size?

Educated women have fewer children, even after correcting for the fact that they marry later More education, later marriage, fewer children Less education, earlier marriage, more children

What banking behavior is the central government trying to encourage when it implement a tight monetary policy?

The government wants to encourage fewer loans.

Which aspect of president eisenhower foreign policy called for reliance on fewer soldiers but large numbers of nuclear weapons?

Massive retalliation

Which aspect of president Eisenhower's foreign policy called for reliance on fewer soldiers but large number of nuclear weapons?

Massive retalliation