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Q: What is the latest ratio of statutary liqidity ratio?
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What is current Statutory Liquidity Ratio of India as on 1st feb 2011?

statutary liquidity ration currnetly is 25%

What is the latest current ratio for FedEx?

Current Ratio (MRQ) is 1.57

What is the ratio of women to men?

The latest estimates (2014) are 1014 males to 1000 females.

If a female is 13 and her boyfriend is 16 or 17 and he gets her pregnant and she has an abortion is that consider statutary rape in Florida?


What is current cash reserve ratio and SLR ratio?

As on 19th aug, 09 CRR is 5% and SLR is 24% You can get the latest CRR and SLR from

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It is 23% per the latest Pew Forum Study as of October 2009

What is meant by security of tenure in domestic tenancies?

A statutary right of a tenant to continue in occupation of land/building after the contractual term has expired.

Male Female Ratio in Pakistan?

According to the latest Census done there are 51% female while 49% of the population is Male.

What is the full form of 'SRO' used in kerala government orders for denoting amendments for rules?

Statutorily Running Order Statutary Rules Orders

Ratio of men to women in the US?

latest count in the US shows 'a slight predominance of females'

What is the ratio of single women to single men in eureka ca?

As of the latest data available, the ratio of single women to single men in Eureka, CA is approximately 1.05 women for every 1 man. This ratio can vary slightly depending on the source and methodology used for the calculation.

What is the difference between statutory audit and non -statutory audit?

Statutory audits are reviews of a business or governments financial records as required by law. Non-statutory are audits not required by legal statute but needed because of some other reason. A non-statutory might be needed if some issue is brought to light such as an irregularity in the way business is being done or perhaps in the case where some type of intentional actions such as an incompetent accountant or even embezzlement was discovered, to find out the extent of the issue.