To find the LCM of two numbers, you need to split them up into their prime factors first:
The next stage would be to identify any common factors, but as there are none we simply take all of these factors and multiply them together:
And so the LCM of 32 and 45 is 1,440
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 32 45 is 1,440. The GCF is 1.
lcm(5, 3) = 15 lcm(5, 45) = 45 lcm(3, 45) = 45 lcm(5, 3, 45) = 45
The answer to the LCM of 45 and 15 is 45.
The LCM is 32.
lcm(11, 27, 45) = 1485 11 = 11 27 = 33 45 = 32 x 5 lcm = 33 x 5 x 11 = 1485
The LCM of 32 and 45 is 1440. 32 and 45 have no common factors. We call this relatively prime. When you have relatively prime numbers, their LCM is their product.Since 32 and 45 share no common factors, the LCM would be 32*45 = 1440.
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) of 32 and 45 is 1,440.
The LCM of 45 and 75 is 225. (32 * 52)
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 32 45 is 1,440. The GCF is 1.
lcm is 1440 and gcf is 1
It isn't. 32 and 45 have no common prime factors, so the LCM is their product, 1440
If that's 30, 32 and 45, the LCM is 1440. If that's 3032 and 45, the LCM is 136440.
The least common multiple of the numbers 32 and 45 is 1,440.
They are: gcf is 1 and LCM is 1440