With no digit rejected, 999999999 With no digit repeated, 987654321
987654321 is the highest nine-digit number with no repeated digits.
5 digit telephone numbers having at least one of their digits repeated is = total possible 5 digit telephone numbers - 5 digit telephone numbers without any digit being repeated. =(10*10*10*10*10)-(10*9*8*7*6) =100000-30240 =69760
9x8x7x6x5x4x3x2x1 or 9! which equals 362880 possible combinations if no digits are repeated
94205 if digits are not to be repeated and 99999 if digits can be repeated
Oh, what a happy little question! To find the smallest 6-digit number with no repeated digits, we start by using the digits 1-9 in ascending order. So, the smallest 6-digit number with no repeated digits is 123,456. Just imagine all the beautiful possibilities that number holds!
With no digit rejected, 999999999 With no digit repeated, 987654321
987654321 is the highest nine-digit number with no repeated digits.
102345678 If you allow decimals: 0.12345678 If you allow negative numbers: -987654321
The number 72319 is a five-digit number. It is an odd number since it ends with the digit 9. It has unique digits with no repeated digits.
The least three-digit number that is divisible by both 5 and 9 is 135.
5 digit telephone numbers having at least one of their digits repeated is = total possible 5 digit telephone numbers - 5 digit telephone numbers without any digit being repeated. =(10*10*10*10*10)-(10*9*8*7*6) =100000-30240 =69760
9x8x7x6x5x4x3x2x1 or 9! which equals 362880 possible combinations if no digits are repeated
111 111 111 If you multiply 12345679 by any two digit number* where the first digit is less than 9 and the sum of the digits is 9 (eg 36), the answer will consist of a single digit repeated 9 times. This will be the first digit of the two digit number plus 1 (eg multiplying by 36 will create an number consisting of only the digit 3+1 = 4: 12345679 x 36 = 444 444 444). *Multiplying by 9 is multiplying by the "two" digit number "09", giving an answer consisting of the single digit 0+1 = 1 repeated.
If the same digit can be repeated in the 4-digit number, then there are (9 x 10 x 10 x 10) = 9,000 of them.If the same digit can't be repeated in a 4-digit number, then there are (9 x 9 x 8 x 7) = 4,536 of them.