You need at least two fractions to determine a least common denominator.
There is none because the Least Common Denominator (or LCD) is the Least Common Multiple (LCM) of the denominators of two or more fractions.
The LCD for 17 and 12 is 204
A common denominator, though not the least, is 1700.
You need at least two fractions to determine a least common denominator.
It is 85
Their product.
There is none because the Least Common Denominator (or LCD) is the Least Common Multiple (LCM) of the denominators of two or more fractions.
The LCD for 17 and 12 is 204
Well, darling, the least common denominator of 14 and 17 is simply their product, which is 238. It's as simple as that, no need to complicate things. So go ahead and use that 238 with pride in your math problems, you sassy mathematician, you.