The least common denominator between fractions 1 over 32 and 8 over 64 is 64.
Least common denominator is used for fractions, not integers. Integers can be expressed as fractions, though, by placing them over 1 so if you really meant least common denominator then the answer is 1. If, however, you meant least common multiple, then then answer is 60.
12 is.
20 is.
The least common denominator between fractions 1 over 32 and 8 over 64 is 64.
Least common denominator is used for fractions, not integers. Integers can be expressed as fractions, though, by placing them over 1 so if you really meant least common denominator then the answer is 1. If, however, you meant least common multiple, then then answer is 60.
The LCD is 10.
The least common denominator (LCD) is 1.
12 is.
20 is.
The least common denominator is 1. The greatest common denominator is 2. The least common multiple is 1,218.
The least common denominator (LCD) is 1.
The least common denominator (LCD) is 1.