The least common denominator of the fractions 3/5 and 5/12 is 60.
5/12 + 9/6The least common multiple (LCM or common denominator) of 12 and 6 is 12 so bring both fractions to the same denominator: 5/12 + 18/12Add the numerators, the denominator is the LCM: 23/12Answer = 23/125/12 + 9/6The least common multiple (LCM or common denominator) of 12 and 6 is 12 so bring both fractions to the same denominator: 5/12 + 18/12Add the numerators, the denominator is the LCM: 23/12Answer = 23/125/12 + 9/6The least common multiple (LCM or common denominator) of 12 and 6 is 12 so bring both fractions to the same denominator: 5/12 + 18/12Add the numerators, the denominator is the LCM: 23/12Answer = 23/125/12 + 9/6The least common multiple (LCM or common denominator) of 12 and 6 is 12 so bring both fractions to the same denominator: 5/12 + 18/12Add the numerators, the denominator is the LCM: 23/12Answer = 23/12
The Least Common Denominator of 5, 7, and 35 is 1.
The least common denominator for 4 5 and 11 is 1.
The least common denominator of the fractions 3/5 and 5/12 is 60.
Two or more fractions or mixed numbers are required to have a least common denominator.
5/12 + 9/6The least common multiple (LCM or common denominator) of 12 and 6 is 12 so bring both fractions to the same denominator: 5/12 + 18/12Add the numerators, the denominator is the LCM: 23/12Answer = 23/125/12 + 9/6The least common multiple (LCM or common denominator) of 12 and 6 is 12 so bring both fractions to the same denominator: 5/12 + 18/12Add the numerators, the denominator is the LCM: 23/12Answer = 23/125/12 + 9/6The least common multiple (LCM or common denominator) of 12 and 6 is 12 so bring both fractions to the same denominator: 5/12 + 18/12Add the numerators, the denominator is the LCM: 23/12Answer = 23/125/12 + 9/6The least common multiple (LCM or common denominator) of 12 and 6 is 12 so bring both fractions to the same denominator: 5/12 + 18/12Add the numerators, the denominator is the LCM: 23/12Answer = 23/12
LCD(12, 5) = 60
It is 60 which is also the LCM
Least common denominator of 7 and 5 is 35.
The Least Common Denominator of 5, 7, and 35 is 1.
The least common denominator for 4 5 and 11 is 1.
The LCDis36.