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3 4/5

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Q: What is the least fraction you can write using the digits 3 4 and 5 each only once?
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What is the smallest fraction you can write using the digits 6 7and 1?

It is 1/76.

What is the smallest fraction you can write using the digits 7 8and 9?

7/98 = 0.0000001626 approx

What is the greatest fraction you can write using the digits 3 4 and 5?

If the three digits are to be used once only then the greatest fraction is 54/3. If the required fraction is less than 1 then the solution is 5/34.

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Expressed as a decimal fraction, 39/1000 is equal to 0.039.

write the number with the least value using the digits only once. Explain your reasoning?


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Probably (98)/7 = 43046721/7 = 6149531.57 (approx).

Is 1.5666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 irrational?

No, it's rational. Any number that you can completely write down, using digits and a decimal point or a fraction bar, is rational.

What is the smallest fraction you can write using each of the digits 4 8 and 9?

The smallest that I can write is 4/89 = 4/134217728.I am guessing, though, that the answer that you want is 4/98.

Use digits to write the fraction three hundredths?

0 _ .o3

How do you turn recurring decimals into fractions?

-- Take one whole set of the digits that repeat in the decimal. Write them as the numerator of the fraction. -- For the denominator of the fraction, write a group of 9s ... the same number of them as there are digits in the numerator. -- Simplify the fraction, if possible and if you feel like it.

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In order to write fractions from least to greatest you need more than one fraction!