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It is 2 and the 3rd angle must be an obtuse or a right angle because the 3 interior angles in a triangle add uo to 180 degrees.

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Q: What is the least number o acute angles that a triangle can have?
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What the least number of acute angles that a triangle can have?


What is least number of acute angles a triangle can have?


What is the least number of acute angles that a triangle can have?

It is 2

What is the least number of acute angles that a triangle can?


What is least number of acute angles that a triangle can have?

It is 2

What is the least number of acute angles that can be in a triangle?

2 is.

What is the least number of acute angles that a triangle have?

Every triangle must have either 2 or else 3 acute angles. The least possible is 2.

What is the least number of acute angles that a traingle can have?

Every triangle must have either 2 or 3 acute angles.

What is the least number of acute angles a triangle can have?


Are the the angles in a triangle acute?

In plane geometry at least two angles must be acute in a triangle.

What is the least number of angles an acute triangle can have?

All acute triangles have 3 interior angles and 3 exterior angles. This is true for all triangles.

Can a triangle have an acute angle?

Yes it can. A triangle must have at least two acute angles.