There is no whole number that has that value. The nearest whole number is zero.
170% of 200 is 340, a whole number.
to get a whole number, only 1
The least number that can be rounded to 400 (to the nearest 400) is 200.
It is: 150
If you are rounding to the hundreds then 150 will be the smallest number that will round to 200.
200 is, itself, a whole number.
5 is the least WHOLE number. But there are many smaller numbers: for example, 1/200 = 0.005 would make the multiple 1, the cube of 1.
To the nearest 5, the largest whole number that rounds to 200 is 202. To the nearest 10, the largest whole number that rounds to 200 is 204. To the nearest 20, the largest whole number that rounds to 200 is 209. To the nearest 50, the largest whole number that rounds to 200 is 224. To the nearest 100, the largest whole number that rounds to 200 is 249. To the nearest 200, the largest whole number that rounds to 200 is 299.
There is no whole number that has that value. The nearest whole number is zero.
The lowest multiple of any number is the number itself.
No it is not possible the dimensions are 200 by 1/2
200/5 = 40, a whole number.
170% of 200 is 340, a whole number.