The least prime number that is greater than 45 is 47.
The prime numbers are: ...,43,47,53,59,...
When their GCF is greater than 1. When they have a prime factor in common.
61 is prime
A composite is any number that has a prime factor smaller than itself and greater than 1.
71 is least Prime Number that is greater than 69.
The least prime number that is greater than 45 is 47.
The prime numbers are: ...,43,47,53,59,...
When their GCF is greater than 1. When they have a prime factor in common.
61 is prime
The smallest prime number that is greater than 50 is 53.
A composite is any number that has a prime factor smaller than itself and greater than 1.
The prime factor of 7 is 7. The prime factor of 8 is 2. The prime factor of 9 is 3. The prime factors of 10 are 2 and 5. The prime factor of 11 is 11.
It is: 47
It is 17.
It is: 853