For one to have a credit card, one must be of a legal age.
Yes, it is legal to work as many hours as a person is able, as long as they are not a minor.
People born on February 29 add one to their legal age on March 1, if the year is not a leap year.
Montana, The Treasure State, is abbreviated as MT or Mont.
It depends on the age of the younger person. If both are adults, there is no issue. However, if one is a teenager there could be legal issues in addition to developmental ones.
The legal driving age for montana is 14.5/15 years old
It's sixteen.
technically the legal age is 7.
The minimum legal working age in Queensland is 13 years old.
21 is the legal age of consuption of alcoholic beverages in the United States.
As of 2012, the legal working age for India was raised to 18 years old. In the past the age was 14.
The legal age of majority in Montana is 18 years old. At this age, individuals are considered adults and have the legal capacity to enter into contracts, make decisions about their healthcare, and vote in elections.
Yes it legal because the age of consent in Montana is 16.
i belive that the legal working age for a permit is fourteen :]
The Minimum legal age is Actually 14. But they are very restricted about working hours for minors of the age of 14-17 so watch out and good luck !