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Q: What is the length in miles of the shore line from the Northern most point of Maine to Southern most point of Florida Also what the length of shore line in miles from the Northern most point of Washin?
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The distance between the tip of Northern Canada to the tip of Southern Canada?

The total length from the Northern Canada boundary to the Southern Canada boundary is 8890 kilometres.

Are the days shorter in the Northern hemisphere then in the shouthern?

The length of the day varies between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres due to the tilt of the Earth's axis. During the winter solstice, the Northern Hemisphere experiences shorter days while the Southern Hemisphere has longer days. The reverse is true during the summer solstice.

What does the spring equinox mean?

In the northern hemisphere it is the 21st of March. In the southern hemisphere it is the 21st of September.In the northern hemisphere it is the 21st of March. In the southern hemisphere it is the 21st of September.In the northern hemisphere it is the 21st of March. In the southern hemisphere it is the 21st of September.In the northern hemisphere it is the 21st of March. In the southern hemisphere it is the 21st of September.In the northern hemisphere it is the 21st of March. In the southern hemisphere it is the 21st of September.In the northern hemisphere it is the 21st of March. In the southern hemisphere it is the 21st of September.In the northern hemisphere it is the 21st of March. In the southern hemisphere it is the 21st of September.In the northern hemisphere it is the 21st of March. In the southern hemisphere it is the 21st of September.In the northern hemisphere it is the 21st of March. In the southern hemisphere it is the 21st of September.In the northern hemisphere it is the 21st of March. In the southern hemisphere it is the 21st of September.In the northern hemisphere it is the 21st of March. In the southern hemisphere it is the 21st of September.

How long do banned newt grow?

The Northern Banded Newt & Southern Banded Newt (Triturus Vittatus) grows to a length of 16 cm.

What month do you gain the most sunlight?

The month with the longest days and the most sunlight varies depending on your geographical location. In general, June tends to have the most sunlight in the Northern Hemisphere, whereas December has the most sunlight in the Southern Hemisphere due to the tilt of the Earth's axis.

Are there fewer hours of sunlight in June and less direct sunlight in the southern hemisphere?

If you are in the southern hemisphere, then June the midsummer month in the northern hemisphere is the midwinter month in the southern hemisphere. This means that the length of days are indeed shorter and there is less direct sunlight in the southern hemisphere in the month of June.

What time of year season spring happen and length the hemisphere?

Spring in the Northern Hemisphere is March throught May. Spring in the Southern Hemisphere is September through November.

What is the length of a right whale?

This depends on the subspecies of right whale. Southern right whale can measure to 59 feet. Northern right whale can measure to 60 feet.

Why do we experience changes in day length?

The tilt of the earth causes it to expose the northern and southern hemispheres to more or less sunlight depending on the placement of the earth within its orbit.

How many miles is it from the northern border of Mexico to the southern border of Mexico?

From its farthest land points, Mexico is a little over 2,000 mi (3,219 km) in length.

How many miles from Florida's northern to southern border?

tho its southern border isn't quite so clear cut as its northern border nevertheless as the crow flies the intervening distance can be as much as about 600 miles if measured as extensively as possible from the extreme northwest corner to the 3mile limit in the extreme southeast or as little as about 400 miles if measured as tightly as possible from the southernmost point of Georgia to the southernmost point of dry land in the keys & the range of driving distances might vary just as considerably or even more so depending again on the exact border points selected but also on the choice of routing in this case as well from a bare bones minimum of about 430 miles to an extravagant maximum conceivably even beyond 800 miles

What occurs on the vernal equinox?

Across the whole planet the day and night length are the same and it is the first day of Spring in the northern hemisphere and the first day of Autumn in the southern hemisphere.