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Q: What is the length of a congressmans terms?
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How long is a congressmans term?

2 years

What word means the length of sound in music?

These terms include:legatomarcatostaccatotenutoand a few other terms.

What do the terms am to FM radio have to do with length?

Those terms refer to the method by which information is added to a carrier wave, to be transported from one place to another. The terms have nothing whatsoever to do with the length of anything.

How can a good resume best be described in terms of length?

Usually a page in length.

What do the terms AM and FM have to do with length?

Those terms refer to the method by which information is added to a carrier wave, to be transported from one place to another. The terms have nothing whatsoever to do with the length of anything.

What do you call the length of a side of a shape?

There are only three spacial terms and they are: length, width, and depth.

How long is two presidential terms?

Two presidential terms are 8 years in length total.

What is the term length for Michigan State Senators?

4 year terms-i believe they get 2 terms

What year did the observants change in terms of length?

The length of a year - the time it takes for a planet to complete one orbit around its star - has not changed in terms of Earth's orbit around the sun. It remains approximately 365.25 days.

What is the Length of House of Representatives terms?

2 years

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