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Q: What is the length of the radicle and plumule from day 1 to 7?
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What is the process by which a seed develops into a seedling?

The process by which a seed develops into a seedling begins with imbibition, where the seed absorbs water and swells. This triggers metabolic processes that lead to germination, where the root emerges first, followed by the shoot. The seedling continues to grow by using nutrients stored in the seed until it can photosynthesize on its own.

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1 Mercury day = 58.6 Earth days

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It takes 10.5467 earth days to make 1 Jupiter day.

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Can a seed grow in 1 day?

No, seeds typically require more time to germinate and grow. The process of seed germination involves various stages, such as water absorption, activation of enzymes, and sprouting of the radicle and cotyledons, which usually takes several days to occur.

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How long was Hernan Cortes' length of voyage?

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